Thursday, June 5, 2008

On the subject of Lunch

It's the most important meal of the day!

Oh wait, are not we all told that is breakfast? I wholeheartedly disagree, and it has nothing to do with what I put in my stomach.

For me, lunch is one of two things. It is a time to leave the confines of my windowless office and see if the sun is up (which here in Seattle is always an iffy thing.) Or it's time to interact with someone.

I work alone as a hermit in a dark office where the computer monitors give off more light than the fancy lights that my wife bought for me. Because of this, I don't have much of a chance to talk to people outside of the occasional phone call or e-mail.

That is why my Facebook/MySpace obsession, along with the one you are reading here is worse than it could be. This is my way of talking, even though no one may be listening, but if you are... let's have lunch.

I usually go to Quizno's and have a regular Honey Bacon Club on wheat with no onions or tomatoes, with mayo added after the oven. The thought of baked mayonnaise sounds awful. This is my usual. It is so usual that it is written on the oven at the Mill Creek location for all the new employees will know what it is. Those who have been there a while will start making it as I am walking up to the door. Sad, isn't it?

It's not the first usual I have had. I think it started in college at Southern Methodist University where I would frequent a place called Galagaskin's. There it was a large cheesesteak with extra mayo and a cup of Wisconsin cheese soup.

When I moved back to Washington, DC, Jerry's Subs and Pizza was the place and two slices of four cheese white pizza was the order. With a large coke.

I will usually spend time talking with the folks at the shop. Karrol has become a friend at Quizno's. They opened shortly following the sale of a Blimpie which was my usual place, until the wonderful people who owned it, moved to San Diego.

My usual there, Hot Club with Macaroni Salad and a large Pepsi and a USA Today. Oh, I didn't tell you? The newspaper is my usual date for lunch. The last few places I have frequented always have a newspaper there. It's a wonderful touch for a table for one.

Today, I had company for lunch, and it was a new place for pizza. It was nice to have a real person to talk to.

So, if you happen to read this in the middle of the day on your I-Phone or Blackberry, I have enjoyed sharing lunch with you. If you happen to read this at another time and you have a portable device, please feel free to make me your lunch date every day. I enjoy the company!

Yours truly,
Johnny Blogger

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