Thursday, June 19, 2008

On the subject of Awesomeness

"Welcome to Seattle. where the waters cold.
You can kiss my mocha frappuccino soul"
- Lease, the Musical 

There are few times I have been absolutely blown away from going to a movie or a show. Tonight was one of those rare occasions.

Having been a student of improv, I understand the basics of yes, and as well as other "rules," but I have no idea how the cast of Lease, Seattle's Own Rock Opera is able to do what they do. They are, in a word, awesome. Okay, they rock. Okay, there is not a good enough word to describe them.

The premise is this. An 80 minute musical where the opening number is the only thing planned. Everything, and I mean everything is made up on the spot including musical numbers that rival broadway songs that have been written in a room and revised 90,000 times. Here, they are made up on the spot and the entire cast of seven participates, sometimes singing a group number. Hey - how do they know what to sing. They just do, and it is incredible.

I am proud to say my teacher is one of the leads, but in this show, because everyone plays a lead, and every night it is different. 

Sadly, closing night is tomorrow, otherwise I would be calling everyone to go see it.

Bravo people. You Rock!

Good night, lights down, take a bow.

Yours truly,
Johnny Blogger


J said...

Wow you're quick with the review! I agree the show was totally amazing.

- the other John from 201

little ms. notetaker said...

Although I didn't see it the night you guys did, when I went I was absolutely blown away!

Awesomeness times infinity.