Tuesday, July 15, 2008

On the subject of a Difficult Start

(Note before I start... if you want to see the pictures to go with the NASCAR and Chicago journals, I have links and entire album links on the posts... now, back to the show.)

I have a headache.

I think I am hungry, in need of caffeine, in need of a Pepsi, and in need of comfort food.

In an effort to attempt to at least live until my kids can get married, I began trying to take care of myself again, in tandem with my honey. We hired a personal trainer for five sessions, and today was our preliminary meeting.

Here's what I can eat... things that are good for me.

Here's what I can't have... my intake of Pepsis that I have basically had since I was a kid. Okay, I can have one or two, but it would make more sense if I just switched to Diet. Except I HATE DIET! I HATE IT! I HATE IT!

My love is taking this very seriously, complete with a body monitor to help her understand her calorie intake/burning. She seems to be more ready for this than I am, which is ironic as I was the one that pushed her into it.

As I sat at the desk hearing from Leo, our trainer, I was holding back tears. I didn't know if I could do this, still don't. I can handle the physical workouts... bring em on. It's just changing my habits, and that scares the hell out of me.

But as I said, I'd like to be old someday.

I'll let you know how I am doing, but right now, I have to go to the WC as the W that I am supposed to drink a lot of is going right through me.

God, I want a Pepsi!

Good afternoon scale. I hate you already!

Yours truly,
Johnny Blogger

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm cheering you on!!!
You can do it!!!!
I'm right there with you.
I just had a frightening diagnosis from my doctor: irregular heartbeat.
I have to learn to stress less, sleep more and get healthy.
so.. you may see me on the treadmill next to yours.
Good luck to you both!