Friday, September 12, 2008

On the subject of a Scratched LP

Sometimes life is like a broken record. Just when you're singing along with your favorite tune, the song gets stuck, and you find yourself having to correct the problem before continuing your merry song.

Work is like that for me these days. Find a typo and feel the wrath of a 10 minute process to fix one mistake.

"For the nights... for the nights... for the nights."

Larry King, who one reader compares me to, has a great story from when he was a DJ in Miami. He thought he could duck out and take a break by putting on an entire side of a Sinatra record. He figured he'd get 20 minutes to run to the local store. When he returned, the phone was ringing. The voice on the other side said "For the nights" over and over. When Larry turned back on the speakers in the studio, he realized it was skipping on the first song on the album."

Album... what's that some of the younger set say? Album.. you know? Record? LP?

Pretty soon our kids will be saying CD to their kids and they will say "See what?"

I have been the victim of dated references this week. My new motion design wizard was tapping away at the keyboard when I told him that the short cut for this one motion was the "carrier return."

"Carrier Return?" he exclaimed. "What's that?"

"I meant the enter button next to the keyboard rather than the number pad."

I asked him if he knew what a typewriter was. He said yes, but my archaic reference was lost on him.

He has a way of making me feel old... like the time I said how old I was and he said "oh, same as my Mom."

Scratch.... there goes another record skipping.

Good night, album lovers everywhere.

Yours truly,
Johnny Blogger

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