Saturday, October 25, 2008

On the subject of Silence

Mother told me there would be days like these.

A couple of blogs ago, I got a comment from my Duck friend that said “Larry, get back to entertaining us.” Well my mallard pal, I wish I could, but it’s just been one of those times.

So, at the advice of my therapist (yes, I do have one of those, doesn’t everyone?) I am trying something new, albeit not voluntarily.

I am in silence right now. I don’t have a radio on, no TV playing College Gameday (my Saturday morning favorite show.) All I hear is cars rolling by, as I am sitting in a park close to my old house with the laptop and sharing thoughts.

(It’s 8:30 AM – it’s cold. I only have a warmup jacket on, so I am a little chilled. Lots of birds chirping.)

Friday nights are never easy sleep for me. I produce a television show that is edited overnights for airing on Saturday morning. I have hired someone to do the editing for it and he handles the late hours. When I come in, as I oversee the show, is when there is a problem. This morning, there was a problem.

I took a sleeping pill last night and got to bed at a reasonable hour. I woke up at 5:45 AM for no reason and went to check to see if the text message signifying delivery of the show was on my phone. It was not, so I called the television station. They said it was delivered hours ago, but that there was a problem and I was about to get a call. It seems as though there was missing video in two parts of it. Not a good sign.

Seeing as though I was closer to the office, I just went and fixed the problem and delivered it to the station. That was at 7 AM.

(A squirrel just startled me, asking which way Bullwinkle went. He flew out of here when I said I had no idea. I believe he said his name was Rocky.)

On the calendar, this is a day I have been looking forward to for a mighty long time. At 10 AM, I am going to take a class. The subject is physical improv. It was born from a suggestion I made to the education director of Jet City, my improv place. I have longed to do physical comedy, and this class should give me a great foundation.

However, doing a class when I have been up since 5:45 AM might be different than after getting a full eight.

(SUV’s can be noisy.)

Then there is the football game this afternoon, between two legendary teams. Sadly, one of them is 0-6 and the other is not what it used to be.

This all comes after a week where:
- A lightning storm went through two surge protectors, and a battery backup to fry the power supply and mother board to my brand new Mac Pro.
- The continuing project at the covert operation has taken on a life of being the Shell Answer Man more than actually doing the spying, if you know what I mean.
- One of my kids is still having so much trouble in school that I don’t know how or if we will be able to help.
- My therapist tells me I need rest, when I have a massive design project and have to work a stretch of 9 nights in 10 days, after working the days.
- I have no idea what is left of my 401K which used to sit in a savings account earning nothing, and now it sits with an investment advisor (who is pretty solid) and is worth less than it was when we took it out of the savings on a “conservative” plan.
- I am ready to shoot the TV with every campaign commercial that airs
- Thankfully, I don’t own a gun.

(There is a very loud honking goose across the street. If I was asleep and living in the house over there, I think I would be very annoyed right now. Who’s kidding whom? I am annoyed and I am awake.)

Okay – bright side.

I heard from someone from my teen days that found me on Facebook. She is very happy and just was surprised that she found me there. She’s very much like I remember her (we were casual friends and did not do the dating thing) and full of spirit and family love. Nice to see.

(Two women just got out of the car for their morning jog or walk. Their voices seem very loud right about now. I guess silence has its drawbacks. Okay, I guess they are just walking. Oh, three more have just arrived… is this a group that is going to play a game of soccer? Hmmm!)

Okay, more bright side. Okay, it’s coming to me. Give me a minute. Um.

(Damn, that car radio is loud – and booming.)

Hold on, I am thinking.

(Oh, there is a homeless guy over there that apparently just woke up. I had no idea he was there.)

One fact that I can’t deny is the one that my lovely wife has been very caring and supportive of me in this burnout stage. She gives me lots of hugs and snuggles, and God knows, we could all use some of those! Thank you my love.

(A mom and her kid just emerged out of one of the local houses. Mom keeps repeating “here we go!” while the child just says Blah, Blah Blah. The women have just started a morning jog together and are running around the field. It’s a full blown exercise class as the leader is shouting out instructions. Maybe I ought to go join them and run like Pheobe from Friends. That would be a sight.)

One hour from my class, so I am going to sign off now. I am worn out, and it’s only 9 AM. Hey, there is a 7-11… time for some Pepsi – power (still half and half so I can maintain my girlish figure… did I mention I passed the 30 pounds lost mark and that I now am wearing XL clothes for the first time since college? HEY, There’s a bright side!

Back to reality, Oh there goes gravity – Oh! (Hey! Aren’t I hip and happenin’ – a 45 year old quoting Eminem. Yo Yo!)

After class, it’s another day at work at the secret covert operation that may or may not have anything to do with sports. Go generic team that I cannot mention on the blog.

If you are trying to reach me tomorrow, good luck. I will probably be sleeping most of the day, until something will no doubt wake me up.

Mom, you warned me about these days. Let’s hope this one ends better than it began.

Good night… er morning, fellow readers.

Yours truly,
Johnny Blogger
At 9 AM on a Saturday morning.

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