Tuesday, November 4, 2008

On the subject of Election Day

It's going to be over in just a few hours, and relief will hit my brain.

Gone will be the attack ads. Gone will be the constant bickering. Gone will be the marathon that should have been a sprint.

On Facebook, people will hopefully go back to being friends rather than spending their status updates on campaign messages.

Election Day is here, and it will be historic no matter the outcome.

I voted in a way I thought I never would. I went with my heart rather than my history. It was the only way I could.

That vote included one non-vote in a major race (not the Presidential one) where I found both people so sickening in their tactics that I could not in my right conscience vote for either one of them.

We can only hope that some of our system of government's problems can be fixed, or at least examined to admit there is something broken.

So I look forward to tomorrow with anticipation... where the first thing someone wants to talk about is something about who I should vote for. 

Good night, America. 

Yours truly,
Johnny Blogger

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