Sunday, May 24, 2009

On the subject of "My Boss"

I have the worst boss in the world. He is demanding. He won't let me take any time off. He is a workaholic. He is impossible to be around sometimes. He expects me to work most holidays, but this year, I'll show him.

On the other hand, he can be lazy, with a daydreaming mind and absent from the office for days on end. He never calls, or sends e-mail and he spends a lot of time on Facebook and writing his own blog.

Some days I hate him, but most days, my heart has a soft place for him. I know he can have his challenges, which is why I can understand what he is going through.

He is driven to reach his goals all the time, but he's suffering from mid-life crisis, attempting to figure out what he wants to do in his life. At the same time, he is the one that makes the company run so I have to be supportive.

This year has been especially rough, as I know it has been for many. His way with dealing with it has been to dive in to projects outside of work to make him feel accomplished until the world stops spinning so fast. It takes away from the time he can spend with others, but it seems to be working as the more time he spends on these project, the less he is apt to bitch about others.

So on this Memorial Day weekend, I am spending some time away from the boss, but I continue to hope he will be more understanding to me when I go back to work on Monday. Wait... Monday is a holiday? I wonder if he expects me to work on Monday. Let me check.

Okay, he said for the first time in a while, that I am welcome to take the holiday off and spend it with my family. He encourages me to go take a day trip with the wife and kids, but also to remember there is work to be done and to be in the office first thing on Tuesday morning!

Can't he just let me enjoy the weekend? Nope, because he is always worrying about the next project and building business and being all creative so that his clients can have nothing but the best. Why can't he just chill and enjoy life?

Damn, it's tough to be your own boss, but I will happily live with him. I have to.

Yours truly,
Johnny Blogger

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